When it comes time to care for a deceased loved one, you may feel overwhelmed and confused about the next steps and options. Our Omaha funeral home staff members are here and ready to help.
Whether you'd like a funeral or a more creative celebration of life, we can assist you to select the funeral service options that hold the most meaning for you and your family. We can be your guide and your ally whenever and however much you need us. We are here to support you in making each arrangement decision.
Simply contact us at 402-289-2222. Or, if your need is not immediate, drop us an email using the contact form below.
What to Expect When You Call
When you make the initial call to our staff there are questions you can expect that we will ask and we want to give you a sense of what those will be ahead of time so you’ll have an easier time on the call.
If You’re Calling Because Someone Has Just Passed Away
Our staff will begin to work quickly to start the process of events around and including the funeral. There will be necessary paperwork that must be completed, both legal documents that need to be filed with the government and documents we need for the coordination of our services. If pre-arranged or prepaid funeral plans already exist, this makes the process a lot easier as much of the paperwork and decision-making will already be done. Some of the initial questions on the call will be the following:
- The name, date of birth and date of death of the person who has passed away
- Do they have a will with their wishes for the care of their remains?
- Are they an organ donor?
- Is the legal pronouncement of death completed?
- The location to pick up the remains
If You’re Calling About Prepaid or Pre-Arranging Funeral Services
These calls are understandably more relaxed but tend to cover many of the same details that would occur during the initial immediate need call and also the arrangement meeting that occurs after. The questions you can expect include are:
- Have you made any funeral arrangements already with us or another service?
- Have you decided on cremation on burial?
- Would you like a memorial or funeral service? If so, what kind?
- Your full name and contact details
- The details of your contact person for when you pass away
- Are there any selections you’ve made from our funeral products? See our selections here.
- Would you like to prepay as well or simply prearrange?
Reichmuth Funeral Homes
21901 W. Maple Rd, P.O. Box 67
Elkhorn, NE US
Phone: 402-289-2222
Fax: 402-289-2223
Email: reichmuthfh@yahoo.com