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Memorial Services
Saying goodbye to a loved one is never easy, and this is something that we understand all too well. Our goal at Reichmuth Funeral Home is to make sure that you have the best possible experience, and that your family is able to properly say goodbye to the deceased.
Rather than opting to do things "the same old way", many families today want to celebrate the life of a loved one. Many funeral service professionals see this change as one of the many contributions to social change made by 'Baby Boomers'. The National Funeral Directors Association notes, "As baby boomers age and find themselves having to plan funerals for loved ones and themselves, they are making funeral choices based on values that are different than previous generations. Baby boomers see funerals as a valuable part of the grieving process and are seeking ways to make them meaningful." If you too desire to make the funeral for a loved one more engaging and personally meaningful, a celebration of life may be the perfect concept to build on.
Reichmuth Funeral Home thinks that it is very important that you understand our affordable memorial services in Elkhorn that are available, so we have put together a few reference pages to educate you and help you decide.
What is a Memorial Service
Unlike a traditional funeral, a memorial service is a gathering where a casket is not present (although the urn with the cremated remains may be on display). A memorial service can be held weeks or even months after the death.
A memorial service can be held in a church, the funeral home or a community hall, or somewhere of importance to the deceased and family. There is usually music, selected readings, and a eulogy. Memorial services can be further personalized as a celebration-of-life.
Our experience has shown us that many of today's families want more than a traditional funeral. This can be done by bringing more of the personality and lifestyle of the deceased into the arrangements. By displaying photographs or staging the event around a favorite pastime, a memorial service can become more personal and meaningful.
If a personalized memorial service suits the needs of your family, we suggest you consider the following questions:
What did your loved one like to do?
What was he or she like as an individual?
What was their profession and how did that shape their life?
Was your loved one spiritual?
Was he or she proud of their cultural or ethnic heritage?
We Offer Affordable Memorial Services in Elkhorn
Creating a Celebration of LifeTake time to learn about this new ceremonial format, the celebration of life. Intended to showcase the unique life of your loved one, you'll also appreciate our suggestions on planning a meaningful and personalized celebration of life.